St Peter's
Mornington/Mount Martha
Tel: (03) 5975 0198

Good Friday – 10:00am - The Anglican Centre
Cnr Albert & Octavia Streets Mornington
Easter Sunday 6:30am - Mount Martha beach
in front of the Surf Life Saving Club
10:00am - The Anglican Centre
Cnr Albert & Octavia Streets Mornington
The 6:30am service on Easter Sunday will be on Mount Martha Beach. This year, because of COVID, we are holding a simplified service, which will not include communion. Please BYO chair or rug to sit on and bring some flowers to help decorate our large sand cross to leave for beach comers to enjoy. Unfortunately, we will not be able to enjoy the usual morning tea but the good news is we will not require much setting up.
We are encouraging everyone to come to church again at 10:00am for a full celebration of our Lord's special day, including Holy Communion.
Please contact us: vicar@mmmanglican.org.au or 59742451