St Peter's
Mornington/Mount Martha
Tel: (03) 5975 0198
What is happening at MMMAnglican?

mainly music
Tuesdays 10.00am - 11.30am
singing, dancing, ryhmes, story time, free play and morning tea. For children aged 0-5 and parents/carers/grandparents.
NextGen Youth
Fridays 5.00pm - 8.00pm
Youth is for high school students, years 7 to 12. A great space to hang out, games, a small meal together and exploring the Christian faith. A nurturing, welcoming and accepting space, allowing young people to grow in community.
Each of these ministries are held in The Anglican Centre - Corner of Octavia & Albert Street, Mornington.
We truly have an amazing time within each of these ministries, please feel free to share this news, invite your friends, neighbours, or anyone interested, to make contact with us.
For more information or to register your interestso , please contact our CFM minister, Liz Rankin via email, lizr@mmmanglican.org.au